Weather Related Closings.
With the safety interest of library staff and patrons in mind, Burr Oak Township Library will close when Burr Oak Community Schools close due to dangerous weather conditions. These conditions include snow, ice, freezing rain, tornadoes, etc. The closings can include weeend hours, as well as weekdays.
Burr Oak Township Library will also delay opening the library on the days where weather conditions such as fog, freezing rain, etc. are a threat to the safety of the staff. The delays can include the weekend hours, as well as weekdays.
In the event of a tornado watch, the staff will check to see if the villiage of Burr Oak will be affected. If Burr Oak is in the torando watch area, patrons will be asked to leave the building and seek shelter in their homes and the library will close.
In the event of a toronado warning, any patrons in the library will be advised to seek shelter either in the public restrooms or under the wooden tables in the main part of the library.
Board approved on 3/05/2009.